Globe Capitalist / Countries / Gibraltar


Gibraltar: A Premier Destination for Business and Leisure. This iconic rock, nestled at the southern tip of the Iberian Peninsula, boasts a blend of Mediterranean charm and modern business infrastructure, beckoning entrepreneurs with a promising environment for investment, while simultaneously offering a scenic retreat for leisure seekers.

Expats guide: moving and living in Gibraltar
View on La Línea de la Concepción, Spain, from the vantage point 'Princess Caroline's Battery' on the Rock of Gibraltar

Gibraltar, known colloquially as ‘The Rock’, has long been a beacon for travelers and businessmen alike. A British Overseas Territory, it brings with it the stability and robustness of British administrative systems. Its strategic position, historically significant for naval endeavors, has in recent years morphed into a strategic advantage for businesses. The territory seamlessly marries its rich history with its burgeoning financial sector, making it a hub for both culture and commerce.

Country Gibraltar
Population Approximately 33,000 (Source: World Bank)
Capital Gibraltar is its own territory and doesn’t have a separate “capital” as such. (Population: Approximately 33,000)
Main cities Gibraltar is a small territory, and thus, the main city is Gibraltar itself. There aren’t separate main cities with significant populations.
Language English (official)(100%)
Time in Gibraltar GMT +1
Currency Gibraltar pound (Symbol: £, Code: GIP)
Religion Roman Catholicism (majority)
Church of England (minority)
Other Christian denominations (minority)
Judaism (minority)
Other religions (minority)
Tax regime Gibraltar has a progressive tax system with rates ranging from 14% to 28% for individuals. However, specifics may vary based on circumstances.
VAT VAT is not provided in Gibraltar.
Overage salary Consult a current financial report or government publication for up-to-date numbers.

Gibraltar: A Beacon for Aspiring Expats

With its striking blend of historical charm and modernity, Gibraltar attracts countless individuals each year. Whether you’re an entrepreneur eyeing its thriving financial district or a retiree seeking a serene European haven, Gibraltar welcomes you with open arms. The territory, though small, brims with possibilities. As part of the British Overseas Territories, it offers the stability and efficiency of British administrative systems. Moreover, its unique position at the crossroads of the Mediterranean and Atlantic brings together a medley of cultures, providing an enriching experience for both residents and visitors.

Living in Gibraltar

Cost of living

Living in Gibraltar offers a unique blend of Mediterranean lifestyle combined with British comforts. Due to its compact size and status as a thriving business hub, some expenses can be higher than in larger neighboring countries. However, the absence of VAT can result in savings on various goods and services. While urban areas like the center of Gibraltar may be more expensive in terms of housing, other essentials like groceries and transportation remain reasonably priced.

Quality of education

Education in Gibraltar closely mirrors the British system, ensuring high standards and quality. The University of Gibraltar, established in 2015, is rapidly gaining recognition for its courses and research. Additionally, various schools cater to different educational needs, ensuring a robust foundation for Gibraltar’s youth.

Health care and insurance

Healthcare in Gibraltar is of a high standard, with the Gibraltar Health Authority overseeing medical services. Both citizens and non-citizens can access healthcare facilities, with insurance options available to cover potential medical expenses.


Gibraltar enjoys a Mediterranean climate with warm summers and mild winters. The famous Levante wind can bring humid conditions, but overall, the climate is pleasant year-round.

When is the best time to visit Gibraltar?

The best time to visit Gibraltar is during spring and fall, when the weather is mild and the tourist rush is minimal. Off-peak seasons might also offer better rates on accommodations and services.

Fun and entertainment

Gibraltar offers a vibrant nightlife and a range of sports activities, from watersports given its coastal location to hiking opportunities on the Rock. Young expats will find plenty of venues to relax and socialize.

Best places to live in Gibraltar

Given Gibraltar’s compact size, most residential areas offer proximity to both business districts and leisure spots. Whether you’re looking to be in the heart of the action or prefer a quieter locale, Gibraltar caters to all preferences.

Gibraltar (Approximately 33,000)

Being the primary city and the very essence of the territory, Gibraltar is where life thrives. It’s popular for its historical landmarks, bustling business districts, and the scenic beauty of the Mediterranean. Most residents choose Gibraltar for its balance of work and leisure opportunities.

Is Gibraltar safe?

Gibraltar boasts a low crime rate, making it one of the safest places in Europe. The local police and security forces ensure the territory remains secure for both residents and tourists.

Moving to Gibraltar

How to move to Gibraltar as an expat


Being a British Overseas Territory, Gibraltar’s visa policies align closely with the UK. However, given its unique position, it’s recommended to consult the local immigration office for specific visa requirements and eligibilities.

Residency By Investment

Gibraltar does not have a specific Residency By Investment program as of my last update. Always consult local authorities for any recent changes.

Does Gibraltar allow Dual Citizenship?

Yes, Gibraltar allows dual citizenship, letting individuals maintain both their native nationality and Gibraltarian status.

Real estate

Real estate in Gibraltar has seen a steady rise over the years due to its strategic position and burgeoning business sectors. An apartment in the heart of Gibraltar might come at a premium, but there are numerous options across the territory to suit various budgets. With its mix of modern apartments and charming homes, Gibraltar offers a plethora of choices for prospective homeowners.

Can expats buy property in Gibraltar?

Yes, expats can buy property in Gibraltar. There aren’t significant restrictions, but it’s recommended to consult local real estate experts when considering a purchase.

Why should I move to Gibraltar?

Moving to Gibraltar offers an incredible blend of Mediterranean lifestyle intertwined with the reliability and structure of British governance. Its strategic location, rich history, and burgeoning financial sector make it an ideal destination for both business enthusiasts and those seeking a serene European retreat. Gibraltar provides a unique balance of leisure and work opportunities, ensuring that your time spent here is both productive and relaxing.

Pros Cons
  • Stable British administrative systems.
  • High quality of life.
  • Booming financial and business sectors.
  • Rich historical and cultural attractions.
  • No Value Added Tax (VAT).
  • Compact size can mean limited space.
  • Higher living costs in some urban areas.
  • Occasional Levante wind can bring humidity.

Doing business in Gibraltar


Gibraltar’s economy thrives due to its strategic geographical location and status as a major port in the Mediterranean. The economy is majorly boosted by industries such as shipping, financial services, online gaming, and tourism. Furthermore, the territory has made significant strides in attracting international businesses, primarily due to its favorable tax regime and robust business infrastructure.

Tax in Gibraltar

Gibraltar’s tax regime is particularly attractive to businesses and investors. Individuals are taxed on a progressive scale, with rates ranging from 14% to 28%. On the corporate front, companies benefit from a standard corporate tax rate of 10%. Moreover, there is no Value Added Tax (VAT) in Gibraltar, which can result in substantial savings for businesses.


The startup landscape in Gibraltar is burgeoning, with the government and private sectors actively encouraging entrepreneurial ventures. The presence of a robust financial sector, coupled with a supportive business environment, creates an ideal atmosphere for startups. Several startup accelerator programs and incubators are available, aiding new businesses in their early stages, offering mentorship, funding, and networking opportunities.

Company formation in Gibraltar

Gibraltar offers a streamlined company formation process. Given its British Overseas Territory status, the territory provides a trustworthy and efficient administrative system. Incorporating in Gibraltar offers businesses the benefits of a favorable tax regime, a strategic location for trading, and access to a skilled workforce. Expats should consider opening a company in Gibraltar to leverage these advantages and tap into the vast opportunities the territory offers.

How to open a company in Gibraltar?

Read the detailed guide on how to open a company in Gibraltar.

How to open a bank account in Gibraltar?

Read the detailed guide on how to open a bank account in Gibraltar.
Expats guide: moving and living in Gibraltar

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