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Company formation

Learn the steps, business structures tax benefits and considerations for starting your own business in Vanuatu. Your step-by-step guide to building a successful business showcasing its benefits and opportunities. Key insights for entrepreneurs.

Company incorporation in Vanuatu: types of incorporation, benefits and taxes
Efate island, part of the Shefa province in Vanuatu

Company Formation in Vanuatu

Vanuatu, a country known for its stunning natural beauty and rich cultural heritage, also offers a promising landscape for entrepreneurs seeking to establish businesses. With a vibrant economy and favorable business regulations, Vanuatu presents lucrative opportunities for both local and international investors.

As an entrepreneur looking to venture into Vanuatu’s business landscape, it’s essential to understand the country’s economic and regulatory environment. With a population of approximately 307,145 and a diverse linguistic landscape including Bislama, English, and French, Vanuatu is a unique blend of cultures that contributes to its business-friendly atmosphere.

Country Vanuatu
Language Bislama (56.6%), English (33.3%), French (2.6%)
Time in Vanuatu GMT+11 timezone
Population Approximately 307,145 (2021)
Currency Vanuatu Vatu (VUV)
Religion Christianity (83.5%), Indigenous beliefs (9.1%)
Tax regime Personal income tax: 0% – 35%
VAT Not provided
Overage salary 150,000 VUV ($1,370 USD) as of August 2023
Types of incorporations Sole Proprietorship (SP), Partnership (LP/LLP), Limited Company (LC), Public Company (PC), International Company (IC)

Why Opening a Company in Vanuatu

Opening a company in Vanuatu can be a strategic move for entrepreneurs looking to capitalize on a favorable tax environment, a growing economy, and abundant investment prospects. The government’s commitment to business-friendly policies and the absence of capital gains tax make Vanuatu an attractive destination for those seeking tax optimization and international business expansion.


Access to Tax Benefits: One of the most significant advantages of opening a company in Vanuatu is the attractive tax regime. The absence of capital gains tax, inheritance tax, and withholding tax on dividends to non-residents presents an appealing opportunity for tax optimization and asset protection.

International Business Hub: Vanuatu’s strategic location in the Pacific region positions it as an international business hub. Entrepreneurs can benefit from its proximity to major economies and access to diverse trade and investment opportunities.

Political and Economic Stability: The country’s political stability and sound economic policies provide a secure environment for business operations. This stability fosters investor confidence and encourages long-term business growth.

Efficient Company Incorporation: The streamlined process of incorporating a company in Vanuatu, along with relatively low costs, makes it an attractive choice for startups and small businesses. Quick company registration allows entrepreneurs to commence operations promptly.

Asset Protection: Vanuatu offers strong asset protection and privacy provisions, making it a favorable jurisdiction for safeguarding personal and corporate assets. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to shield their wealth from external uncertainties.


Remote Business Operations: The geographical isolation of Vanuatu can pose challenges for businesses that require frequent international interactions. Travel and communication logistics may incur additional costs and time constraints.

Limited Infrastructure: While Vanuatu is making progress in developing its infrastructure, businesses may still encounter limitations in terms of reliable connectivity, transportation, and modern facilities.

Market Size and Competition: The relatively small domestic market size may limit growth opportunities for businesses solely focused on the local market. Additionally, certain sectors may face competition from established players.

Import Dependence: Vanuatu’s economy is reliant on imports for many goods and services, which can lead to potential supply chain disruptions and price fluctuations due to external factors.

Regulatory Complexity: Navigating the regulatory landscape in Vanuatu may require familiarity with local laws and procedures. Engaging legal experts and consultants can be essential to ensure compliance and avoid potential pitfalls.


The tax system in Vanuatu is characterized by its favorable environment for businesses. The absence of capital gains tax, inheritance tax, and low corporate tax rates make Vanuatu an appealing destination for investors seeking tax efficiency. Additionally, the lack of VAT simplifies financial transactions, contributing to a smoother business operation process.

Company Types in Vanuatu

Sole Proprietorship (SP)

A Sole Proprietorship is a straightforward business structure suitable for individual entrepreneurs looking for simplicity and full control over their business. While it offers minimal legal formalities, it comes with unlimited personal liability for business debts and obligations.

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Sole Proprietorship (SP) Low Not Applicable Personal Income Tax

Partnership (LP/LLP)

A Partnership allows two or more individuals to collaborate and share the responsibilities and profits of a business. Limited Partnerships (LP) and Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) provide flexibility and limited liability protection to certain partners, making it an attractive choice for professionals such as lawyers and accountants.

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Partnership (LP/LLP) Moderate Not Applicable Personal Income Tax

Limited Company (LC)

A Limited Company (LC) provides separate legal entity status, offering limited liability protection to its shareholders. This structure is suitable for businesses seeking to raise capital through share issuance and engage in various commercial activities.

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Limited Company (LC) Moderate Depends on the number of shares Corporate Income Tax

Public Company (PC)

A Public Company (PC) offers shares to the public, providing an avenue for raising substantial capital for larger-scale operations. It requires compliance with additional regulatory requirements, financial disclosures, and corporate governance standards.

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Public Company (PC) Higher Depends on the number of shares Corporate Income Tax

International Company (IC)

An International Company (IC) is a specialized business structure in Vanuatu designed to facilitate international business activities and provide favorable tax treatment for non-resident businesses. It’s a popular choice for entrepreneurs engaged in international trade, investment, and asset protection strategies.

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
International Company (IC) Moderate Not Applicable Tax Exempt

VAT in Vanuatu

VAT is not applicable in Vanuatu, simplifying the tax framework for businesses. This absence of VAT eliminates the need for businesses to account for and report VAT-related transactions, streamlining financial processes.

Common Questions

How to register a company in Vanuatu?

Registering a company in Vanuatu involves several steps. You need to prepare and submit required documents, including a proposed company name, details of shareholders and directors, and a registered office address. The process includes obtaining a Certificate of Incorporation from the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission (VFSC). Engaging legal and professional assistance can ensure a smooth registration process and compliance with local regulations.

How long does it take to incorporate a company in Vanuatu?

The timeframe for incorporating a company in Vanuatu can vary. Typically, it takes around 2 to 3 weeks to obtain the Certificate of Incorporation once all required documents are submitted and reviewed. Delays may occur due to factors such as document processing and any additional regulatory requirements.

What are the costs associated with company incorporation in Vanuatu?

The costs of incorporating a company in Vanuatu depend on various factors, including the type of company structure, legal and professional fees, and any additional services required. It’s recommended to budget for incorporation fees, legal fees, registered office fees, and other relevant expenses.

Are there any tax incentives for businesses in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu offers attractive tax incentives, especially for International Companies (ICs). ICs are generally exempt from local taxes, making them a favored choice for businesses engaged in international trade and investment. It’s essential to understand the specific tax benefits applicable to your chosen business structure and activities.

Can foreigners own a company in Vanuatu?

Yes, foreigners can fully own and operate companies in Vanuatu. There are no restrictions on foreign ownership, and non-resident individuals and entities are welcome to establish businesses in various sectors. This openness to foreign investment contributes to Vanuatu’s reputation as a business-friendly jurisdiction.

What is the process for opening a bank account for my Vanuatu company?

Opening a bank account for your Vanuatu company involves selecting a suitable bank, providing required documents (such as company incorporation documents, identification of directors and shareholders), and fulfilling the bank’s due diligence requirements. Different banks may have varying requirements and processes, so it’s advisable to seek guidance from professionals familiar with the banking landscape in Vanuatu.

What is the process for obtaining an investor visa in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu offers various visa options for investors, including the Investor Visa and the Residence Visa. The Investor Visa requires a minimum investment in a local business or real estate. The Residence Visa offers longer-term residency options for those who invest in Vanuatu. It’s recommended to consult immigration experts to navigate the visa application process successfully.

Is there a minimum capital requirement for company incorporation in Vanuatu?

For most company types in Vanuatu, there is no specific minimum share capital requirement. However, the amount of capital invested should align with the business activities and goals. Some structures, such as Public Companies (PCs), may have capital requirements to comply with regulatory standards.

What types of business licenses are required in Vanuatu?

The types of business licenses required in Vanuatu vary based on the nature of your business activities. Certain sectors, such as finance, hospitality, and tourism, may require specific licenses or permits. It’s essential to identify the relevant licenses for your business and ensure timely application and compliance.

How do I choose the right business structure in Vanuatu?

Choosing the right business structure depends on factors such as your business goals, the nature of your activities, tax considerations, and liability protection. Consulting with legal and financial professionals can help you understand the options available and select a structure that aligns with your objectives and long-term plans.

What is the legal framework for corporate governance in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu follows common law principles and has established legal frameworks for corporate governance. The Companies Act provides guidelines for the formation, management, and operation of companies. It’s essential for directors and shareholders to understand their responsibilities and comply with corporate governance standards to ensure proper business conduct.

Are there any restrictions on foreign ownership of companies in Vanuatu?

Vanuatu encourages foreign investment, and there are generally no restrictions on foreign ownership of companies. Foreign individuals and entities can fully own and operate businesses in various sectors. However, certain sectors, such as broadcasting and telecommunications, may have specific regulations that need to be considered.

How do I dissolve a company in Vanuatu?

Dissolving a company in Vanuatu involves several steps, including filing a Notice of Intention to Wind Up with the VFSC, settling outstanding debts and liabilities, and obtaining the approval of shareholders and creditors. Professional assistance is recommended to ensure compliance with legal requirements and proper distribution of assets.

What are the annual compliance requirements for companies in Vanuatu?

Annual compliance requirements for companies in Vanuatu include filing annual returns with the VFSC, maintaining updated shareholder and director records, and ensuring financial records are accurate and up-to-date. Failure to meet compliance obligations may result in penalties or legal consequences.
Company incorporation in Vanuatu: types of incorporation, benefits and taxes

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