Globe Capitalist / Company formation / Seychelles

Company formation

Delve into the Seychelles business environment, covering the essentials from types of constitution to tax nuances. Find out about the benefits, the business landscape and the types of companies you can form. Essential reading pointing to opportunities for global and forward-thinking entrepreneurs.

Seychelles: company incorporation. Types of companies, advantages, disadvantages and tax regime
Panoramic view at the capital city Victoria on Seychelles island Mahé

The Republic of Seychelles, an archipelago situated in the Indian Ocean, is often celebrated for its breathtaking beauty, comprised of pristine beaches and turquoise waters. However, beyond its picturesque landscapes, Seychelles has steadily become a hub for international business, offering a robust financial services sector. Its strategic location between Africa and Asia, coupled with a well-established legal framework, makes it an enticing destination for entrepreneurs looking to broaden their global reach.

Seychelles provides a conducive environment for business growth and diversification. With a sound banking system, friendly regulatory environment, and a commitment to protecting investors’ rights, Seychelles positions itself as a leading offshore center. Its government has relentlessly pursued policies to foster economic diversification, with a strong emphasis on promoting foreign investments. Seychelles, while small in size, promises vast opportunities for entrepreneurs willing to leverage its strategic positioning and business-friendly environment.

Country Seychelles
Language – Creole (89.1%)
– English (5.1%)
– French (4.8%)
Time in Seychelles GMT+4
Population Approximately 98,000 (Source: World Bank, 2021)
Currency Seychellois rupee (₨, SCR)
Religion – Roman Catholic (76.2%)
– Protestant (10.6%)
– Other Christian (2.4%)
– Hindu (2.4%)
– Muslim (1.6%)
– Other/non-religious (6.8%)
Tax regime Approximately 15% for residents
VAT 15%
Overage salary Data not available as of 2021.
Types of incorporations – International Business Company (IBC)
– Special License Company (CSL)
– Limited Partnership
– Public Company

Why opening a company in Seychelles

Opening a company in Seychelles offers entrepreneurs a strategic advantage, with its prime geographic location bridging Africa and Asia. The local government has been proactive in cultivating a business-friendly environment, replete with streamlined registration processes and fiscal incentives. Moreover, Seychelles’ tax regime is favorable for a myriad of businesses, especially for those seeking offshore opportunities. Entrepreneurs engaged in international trade, finance, or services can particularly benefit from the fiscal options provided by the local government.


Strategic Location

Seychelles’ geographical positioning between Africa and Asia offers businesses a unique vantage point. For enterprises looking to bridge their operations between these two major markets, Seychelles provides an unparalleled advantage. This centrality not only aids in trade but also places businesses at a nexus of emerging market trends, offering real-time insights and opportunities.

Favorable Tax Regime

The tax system in Seychelles is crafted to favor businesses, particularly those with international operations. International Business Companies (IBCs) can often benefit from tax exemptions on foreign-derived income. This structure allows companies to maximize their profits, making Seychelles an attractive destination for offshore entities and global entrepreneurs.

Robust Legal Framework

The nation boasts a well-established legal framework that is friendly to businesses. The stability of Seychelles’ legal environment ensures that investors’ rights are protected, fostering confidence in the market. This security is further augmented by the country’s adherence to international best practices and standards, which adds an additional layer of assurance for foreign investors.

Confidentiality and Privacy

Seychelles has strict confidentiality laws that protect the details of company directors and shareholders. This ensures privacy for businesses, making it an attractive destination for entrepreneurs who value discretion in their operations and ownership structures.

Streamlined Business Processes

Government initiatives have simplified the process of business registration and operations. The ease of setting up a business, coupled with a supportive regulatory environment, helps in reducing bureaucratic challenges and expediting market entry.


Limited Local Market

Seychelles’ population, being on the smaller side, presents a limited domestic market. This constraint can be challenging for businesses that primarily target local clientele, potentially capping their growth potential within the islands.

Dependence on Global Economy

Seychelles’ open economy is significantly influenced by global economic shifts. As such, international economic downturns or disruptions can have a magnified impact on the country’s market, posing challenges for businesses that aren’t diversified or resilient enough to weather global economic storms.

Resource Limitations

Being a small island nation, Seychelles has limited natural resources. Businesses that require substantial raw materials might face challenges related to sourcing and might need to rely heavily on imports, potentially escalating operational costs.

Skilled Labor Shortage

While the local workforce is educated, there might be a shortage in specific skilled labor sectors. Businesses requiring specialized skills may need to consider the costs and logistics of hiring expatriates or training local talent.

Distance from Mainland Markets

While strategically located between major continents, the physical distance from larger mainland markets like Africa and Asia can sometimes lead to logistical challenges and increased transportation costs, especially for businesses relying on frequent shipments or rapid delivery schedules.

These advantages and disadvantages provide a comprehensive view of the business landscape in Seychelles, enabling entrepreneurs to make informed decisions based on their specific needs and business models.


In Seychelles, the tax system is designed to be competitive and attractive to foreign investments. The personal income tax rate for residents stands around 15%. Moreover, the government offers various tax incentives for businesses, especially those incorporated as International Business Companies (IBC). These companies can benefit from tax exemptions on foreign-derived income, making Seychelles a preferred destination for offshore operations. It’s important for businesses to remain compliant with local tax regulations and ensure timely submissions to avoid penalties.

Company Types in Seychelles

International Business Company (IBC)

An International Business Company (IBC) in Seychelles is the most commonly used corporate structure for international operations. This type of company is designed to facilitate a wide array of business activities while benefiting from a simplified reporting structure and robust asset protection mechanisms. Seychelles IBCs are well-suited for businesses that don’t require a physical presence within the country, making them ideal for e-commerce, consultancy, and investment firms.

Type Cost of incorporation Minimum share capital Taxes
IBC Approximately $1,000 $1 Tax Exempt on foreign-derived income

Seychelles Special License Company (CSL)

A Seychelles Special License Company (CSL) is designed to conduct both offshore and onshore business activities. Unlike an IBC, a CSL can conduct business within Seychelles and avail itself of the benefits of Seychelles’ double taxation agreements with other countries. This type of structure is best for businesses intending to set up a more substantial operation that involves both local and international trade, such as banking, insurance, and shipping companies.

Type Cost of incorporation Minimum share capital Taxes
CSL Approximately $2,500 $100 1.5% Business Tax on worldwide income

Limited Partnership (LP)

A Limited Partnership (LP) in Seychelles is an organization that consists of one or more general partners who manage the business, and one or more limited partners who invest capital but do not engage in management. LPs are generally used for investment projects, real estate development, and any business operations where it is advantageous to separate managerial duties from investment. They offer the advantage of flow-through taxation, where the profits and losses are passed directly to the individual partners.

Type Cost of incorporation Minimum share capital Taxes
LP Approximately $1,500 No minimum Flow-through taxation to partners

Public Company

A Public Company in Seychelles is suitable for large-scale enterprises that intend to go public and list their shares on a stock exchange. This type of company is subjected to more stringent regulations and compliance requirements but offers the opportunity for substantial capital raising through public investments. Public Companies are often used for large commercial undertakings, including manufacturing, energy production, and large-scale retail.

Type Cost of incorporation Minimum share capital Taxes
Public Company Approximately $5,000 $1,000 25% Corporate Tax
By understanding these different types of company structures and the corresponding requirements and benefits, entrepreneurs can make a more informed decision about which form of incorporation would best suit their business needs.

VAT in Seychelles

In Seychelles, the Value Added Tax (VAT) is set at 15%. VAT is applied to goods and services at every stage of production or distribution. Businesses operating in Seychelles must register for VAT and ensure timely submissions. The Seychelles Revenue Commission oversees the VAT system, and it’s essential for businesses to remain compliant to avoid penalties.

Common Questions

What is the difference between an IBC and a CSL in Seychelles?

Both IBC (International Business Company) and CSL (Seychelles Special License Company) are popular incorporation structures in Seychelles. The primary difference is their operational scope. An IBC is mainly designed for international operations and typically doesn’t conduct business within Seychelles. In contrast, a CSL can operate both offshore and within Seychelles. Additionally, while IBCs benefit from tax exemptions on foreign-derived income, CSLs are subjected to a low tax rate on global income but can leverage Seychelles’ double taxation agreements with other countries.

Are there any currency restrictions for companies in Seychelles?

No, there are no currency exchange controls or restrictions in Seychelles. Companies incorporated in Seychelles are free to repatriate profits, dividends, and capital. This offers businesses considerable flexibility in their financial operations, making it easier to conduct international business.

Is it possible to re-domicile a company to or from Seychelles?

Yes, Seychelles permits both inbound and outbound re-domiciliation. This means that companies incorporated in another jurisdiction can re-domicile to Seychelles, and vice-versa. The process involves specific legal and administrative steps, ensuring that the company maintains its original incorporation date and existing liabilities.

How can I ensure my business confidentiality when incorporating in Seychelles?

Seychelles offers robust confidentiality protections for businesses. Information about company directors, shareholders, and beneficiaries is not publicly accessible. Additionally, IBCs are not required to file annual returns or financial statements with Seychelles’ authorities, further ensuring privacy. However, it’s crucial to note that while confidentiality is maintained, Seychelles is compliant with international transparency standards and may share information under specific circumstances, such as international legal investigations.

What sectors or industries are particularly strong or advantageous to enter in Seychelles?

Seychelles has a diversified economy with several thriving sectors. Tourism remains a significant contributor, but there are other emerging sectors, including offshore finance, fisheries, and renewable energy. The offshore sector, particularly, offers numerous advantages in terms of taxation and operational flexibility for international businesses. Additionally, the country is actively working to promote sustainable and eco-friendly ventures, making it an attractive destination for green businesses and sustainable tourism initiatives.

Are there any treaties that Seychelles has signed that might benefit international businesses?

Seychelles has actively entered into several bilateral investment treaties and double taxation avoidance agreements with various countries. These treaties are designed to promote and protect investments made by residents of the contracting states and prevent double taxation of income. This network of agreements makes it advantageous for businesses

What is the primary advantage of incorporating a company in Seychelles?

The primary advantage of incorporating a company in Seychelles lies in its favorable business environment. Seychelles offers a competitive tax regime, with International Business Companies (IBCs) often benefiting from tax exemptions on foreign-derived income. Additionally, the nation’s legal system ensures the rights of investors are upheld, fostering a trustworthy business environment. The process of registering a business is also streamlined, reducing bureaucratic challenges.

Are there residency requirements for directors or shareholders of Seychelles companies?

No, there are no residency requirements for directors or shareholders of Seychelles companies. This flexibility is especially appealing for international investors and businesses who wish to operate without the need to reside or establish a substantial presence in Seychelles.

How quickly can I incorporate a company in Seychelles?

Typically, the process of incorporating a company in Seychelles is swift. Once all the necessary documentation is submitted, it can take as little as 24 to 48 hours to receive approval. However, it’s crucial to ensure that all paperwork is correctly filled out to avoid potential delays.

Is it mandatory to have a local registered office in Seychelles?

Yes, it’s mandatory for every Seychelles company to have a local registered office. This office acts as the official address for the company and will receive all formal communications and notices. The registered office does not necessarily need to be the primary place of business but should be a physical address within the country.

Are annual meetings required for companies incorporated in Seychelles?

Answer: No, there’s no statutory requirement for companies to hold annual general meetings in Seychelles. However, if an annual meeting is stipulated in the company’s by-laws or articles of association, then it should be adhered to. Furthermore, meetings can be held outside Seychelles and can also be conducted electronically if needed.

What are the reporting and financial disclosure requirements for Seychelles companies?

Seychelles International Business Companies (IBCs) benefit from minimal reporting and financial disclosure requirements. They are not required to file annual returns or financial statements with the local authorities. However, it’s essential for businesses to maintain financial records, reflecting their financial position accurately, even if they don’t need to be disclosed or audited.
Seychelles: company incorporation. Types of companies, advantages, disadvantages and tax regime

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