Globe Capitalist / Company formation / Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)

Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)
Company formation

Immerse yourself in the booming business landscape of Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, which captures the essence of the emirate’s opportunities for entrepreneurs. This comprehensive guide covers everything from tax benefits to types of incorporation, types of companies, taxation, benefits, helping entrepreneurs in their decision making process.

Company formation in the United Arab Emirates: Ras Al Khaimah
Ras al Khaimah corniche with mangroves aerial view
The emirate of Ras Al Khaimah has positioned itself as a prime destination for foreign investments. Its free trade agreements, efficient logistics, competitive costs, and state-of-the-art infrastructure have all played a part in attracting international businesses. Furthermore, RAK has cultivated a stable political environment, bolstered by the UAE’s strong international relations. The emirate’s dedication to economic diversification, combined with a proactive approach to attracting foreign direct investments, promises continued growth and lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs and investors.
Country Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)
Language Arabic (100%) English (widely spoken, especially in business contexts) Hindi and Urdu (commonly spoken due to the large South Asian expatriate community)
Time in Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates) GMT+4
Population As of my last update in 2021, the exact population of Ras Al Khaimah alone isn’t explicitly mentioned, but the entire UAE has a population of about 9.63 million (World Bank, 2021). For more precise and current data on Ras Al Khaimah’s population, a dedicated local resource or governmental agency should be consulted.
Currency United Arab Emirates Dirham (د.إ, AED)
Religion Islam (official and majority religion) Christianity, Hinduism, Sikhism, Buddhism (minorities due to the expatriate population)
Tax regime The UAE is known for its tax-free regime. However, it’s worth noting that while there’s no personal income tax, there are corporate taxes for foreign banks and oil companies.
VAT 5% (Introduced in 2018 across the UAE)
Overage salary The average salary varies based on the industry, but as of 2021, the average monthly salary in the UAE ranges from 5,000 AED to 20,000 AED. Specific numbers for Ras Al Khaimah might be slightly different (Source: Various salary surveys, 2021).
Types of incorporations Free Zone Establishment (FZE), Free Zone Company (FZC), Local Company (LC), Branch of a Foreign Company, Branch of a UAE Company

Why opening a company in Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)

Ras Al Khaimah offers a myriad of advantages for entrepreneurs. Its strategic location provides easy access to global markets, especially in Africa, Europe, and Asia. The emirate’s free zones are particularly attractive, offering 100% foreign ownership, repatriation of profits, and no import or export duties. The low operational costs combined with state-of-the-art infrastructure make it ideal for businesses looking to optimize their expenditures. Moreover, RAK’s tax-friendly environment is particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs seeking a competitive edge in the global market.


Strategic Geographic Location

Ras Al Khaimah’s position is a vital asset for businesses. Nestled at the crossroads of major trade routes connecting the East and West, it offers companies a unique advantage to tap into burgeoning markets across Asia, Africa, and Europe. With its modern ports and airports, goods and services can be efficiently traded, creating an optimal environment for businesses with a global vision.

Competitive Operating Costs

The operating costs in Ras Al Khaimah are significantly lower than in many Western countries and even some neighboring emirates. Reduced energy costs, affordable real estate, and competitive labor rates translate into lower overheads and higher profit margins for businesses. This affordability does not compromise on quality, ensuring businesses get the best return on their investments.

Tax Incentives

Ras Al Khaimah, like other emirates in the UAE, offers a tax-friendly environment for businesses. The absence of corporate taxes for most businesses, coupled with no personal income taxes and customs duties in free zones, makes it a financial haven for entrepreneurs. Such tax incentives lead to higher capital retention, aiding reinvestment and expansion.

State-of-the-art Infrastructure

Over the years, Ras Al Khaimah has heavily invested in developing its infrastructure. Modern roads, ports, airports, and connectivity solutions cater to businesses, ensuring they operate efficiently. Furthermore, its free zones offer world-class facilities tailored for various industries, from manufacturing and trading to services and technology.

Skilled and Diverse Workforce

Thanks to its diverse expatriate community and robust education system, businesses in Ras Al Khaimah have access to a skilled and multicultural workforce. The availability of professionals from various backgrounds ensures that companies can find the right talent for their needs.


Regulatory Complexity

Despite its business-friendly stance, navigating Ras Al Khaimah’s regulatory framework can be intricate. The rules and requirements often differ between the mainland and free zones, and among the various free zones themselves. Entrepreneurs might find the landscape confusing and might need to invest in legal or consultancy services to ensure compliance.

Language and Cultural Differences

While English is prevalent in business dealings, Arabic remains the official language. Official documentation, legal proceedings, and certain governmental interactions necessitate Arabic proficiency. Additionally, understanding local customs and cultural nuances is crucial to build fruitful business relationships and avoid misunderstandings.

Dependence on External Markets

Given its relatively small local market, businesses in Ras Al Khaimah often rely on external markets for growth. This dependence can make companies vulnerable to global economic shifts, fluctuations in trade relations, or disruptions in supply chains.

Emerging Competitive Landscape

With the growth and promotion of free zones and business hubs in Ras Al Khaimah and other UAE emirates, there’s an increasing competition. New entrants might find it challenging to carve a niche or face stiff competition from established players, demanding a robust business strategy and unique value proposition.

Changing Regulatory Landscape

Ras Al Khaimah, in line with global and regional trends, is continually evolving its regulatory framework. This dynamic environment, while often beneficial, requires businesses to stay updated, adapt, and occasionally overhaul their operations to remain compliant.


The United Arab Emirates, including Ras Al Khaimah, is known for its favorable tax regime. While there’s no personal income tax, certain sectors, like foreign banks and oil companies, are subjected to corporate taxes. However, the majority of businesses benefit from a zero-tax environment. This tax-free status is further bolstered in the free zones, where businesses also enjoy exemptions from import and export duties. However, it’s crucial for businesses to be aware of the newly introduced VAT system and ensure compliance.

Company types in Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)

1. Mainland Company (MC)

Mainland Company (MC)

Description: Mainland Companies in Ras Al Khaimah operate under the jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates’ mainland commercial laws. They are primarily suited for businesses that aim to offer their services or products directly to the local UAE market. Unlike Free Zone Companies, they are not restricted to a specific area and can operate anywhere within the country, including free zones. However, to establish an MC, it’s obligatory to partner with a UAE national who will hold a minimum of 51% of the company’s shares.
Type Mainland Company (MC)
Cost of incorporation Approx. AED 25,000 – 40,000 (depending on business activity and office space)
Minimum share capital AED 100,000 (can vary based on business activity)
Taxes 0% on corporate income
2. Free Zone Company (FZC)

Free Zone Company (FZC)

Description: Ras Al Khaimah is home to several free zones, each designed for specific types of businesses. FZCs operate outside the UAE customs territory, which means they benefit from tax exemptions and customs duty benefits. Ideal for international business operations, FZCs are exempt from the requirement of having a local partner. These companies can be 100% foreign-owned. They are best suited for businesses that primarily serve clients outside the UAE or within the free zone itself.
Type Free Zone Company (FZC)
Cost of incorporation Approx. AED 15,000 – 30,000 (depending on free zone and business activity)
Minimum share capital Varies by free zone (some have no minimum requirement)
Taxes 0% on corporate income
3. Offshore Company (OC)

Offshore Company (OC)

Description: Offshore Companies in Ras Al Khaimah are non-resident companies, often used for international trading, asset protection, and tax optimization. These companies cannot do business within the UAE but can operate internationally. They are fully exempt from all local taxes and are not obligated to maintain local offices or staff. The confidentiality of shareholders and directors is strictly maintained, and these entities can own real estate in the UAE, subject to approval from respective free zones.
Type Offshore Company (OC)
Cost of incorporation Approx. AED 8,000 – 12,000
Minimum share capital No minimum share capital requirement
Taxes 0% on corporate income

VAT in Ras Al Khaimah (United Arab Emirates)

In 2018, the UAE introduced a 5% Value Added Tax (VAT) applicable to most goods and services. While this tax is relatively low compared to global standards, businesses operating in RAK should ensure they are compliant. Regular audits are conducted, and penalties for non-compliance can be stringent. It’s essential to maintain proper records and file VAT returns promptly.

Common questions

What is the process of company registration in Ras Al Khaimah?

The process of company registration in Ras Al Khaimah involves several steps. Initially, one must decide on the type of business activity and choose between setting up on the mainland or in a free zone. After selecting the appropriate jurisdiction, one has to reserve a company name and apply for initial approval. Subsequently, gather all the necessary documents, obtain further approvals from relevant authorities, and pay the respective fees. Once all the approvals are in place, you can sign the Memorandum of Association (MOA), rent a physical office or workspace, and finally, obtain your business license. It’s advisable to consult with a local business setup consultant to streamline the process.

Are foreign investors allowed 100% ownership in Ras Al Khaimah?

Yes, foreign investors can enjoy 100% ownership when they set up their business in one of Ras Al Khaimah’s free zones. However, if one opts for a mainland business setup, a local Emirati sponsor is required, who will nominally hold 51% of the business shares. Recent reforms in the UAE have introduced sectors where 100% foreign ownership on the mainland is permissible, but it’s essential to check the latest regulations or consult with an expert.

What are the main differences between mainland and free zone companies in Ras Al Khaimah?

Mainland companies in Ras Al Khaimah operate under the jurisdiction of the local government and are generally suited for businesses that intend to serve the local UAE market directly. They require an Emirati sponsor who holds a majority of the shares. On the other hand, free zone companies are set up within specific areas designated for foreign investment and allow 100% foreign ownership. They are ideal for businesses targeting international markets and those seeking specific benefits offered by each free zone, such as tax breaks or sector-specific facilities.

Are there any specific sectors or industries that Ras Al Khaimah specializes in or encourages?

Ras Al Khaimah, through its various free zones and development initiatives, has positioned itself as a hub for multiple sectors. The emirate particularly encourages industries like manufacturing, tourism, agriculture, trading, and logistics. The RAK Economic Zone (RAKEZ) is an example, offering tailored solutions and facilities for diverse sectors, from media and technology to education and healthcare.

What kind of banking facilities and financial support can businesses expect in Ras Al Khaimah?

Ras Al Khaimah boasts a robust banking infrastructure, with local and international banks offering a range of corporate banking solutions. Entrepreneurs can expect facilities like multi-currency accounts, trade financing, and online banking services. Additionally, the emirate’s government and free zone authorities often collaborate with banks to provide financial incentives, streamlined processes, and support packages, especially for SMEs and startups.

Is it mandatory for businesses in Ras Al Khaimah to have a physical office space?

For mainland businesses, having a physical office space is mandatory. The size and specifications might vary depending on the business activity and number of employees. In free zones, while some businesses might require physical offices, others can operate with flexi-desk solutions or shared office spaces, which offer a more cost-effective alternative.

How friendly is Ras Al Khaimah's regulatory environment for startups and SMEs?

Ras Al Khaimah offers a conducive environment for startups and SMEs. Through initiatives like RAKEZ, the emirate provides cost-effective setup options, flexible licensing, and a range of support services tailored for smaller businesses. There are also incubators, accelerators, and networking events that startups can benefit from to grow and thrive.

Can businesses in Ras Al Khaimah hire foreign employees, and what is the process?

Yes, businesses in Ras Al Khaimah can hire foreign employees. To do so, they must apply for employment visas on behalf of their foreign hires. The process involves obtaining initial approval from the relevant authorities, after which a health check and other formalities are conducted. Once all requirements are met, the employee is granted a residency visa, typically valid for two years and renewable.

How can I establish a company in Ras Al Khaimah?

To establish a company in Ras Al Khaimah, you’ll need to decide on the type of company structure best suited for your needs, gather the necessary documentation, and undergo the registration process. This process can vary based on whether you’re setting up in a free zone or the mainland. Consulting with a local business setup consultant is recommended to ensure a smooth process.

Are there any restrictions on foreign ownership in Ras Al Khaimah?

In Ras Al Khaimah’s free zones, foreign entrepreneurs can own 100% of their business. However, in the mainland, foreign investors typically require a local partner holding a majority of the shares, usually 51%. Exceptions might apply to certain professional or consultancy businesses.
Company formation in the United Arab Emirates: Ras Al Khaimah

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