Globe Capitalist / Company formation / Cyprus

Company formation

Cyprus: company incorporation in a low taxation country
View of a port in Kyrenia/Girne during a summer day
PopulationApproximately 1,207,359 (source: World Bank, 2021)
Country Cyprus
Language Greek (78%) Turkish (18%) English (4%)
Time in Cyprus GMT+3
Currency Euro (€, EUR)
Religion Christianity (78%) Islam (18%) Other religions (4%)
Tax regime 12.5%
VAT 19%
Average salary €2,500 per month (source: Cyprus Statistical Service, 2022)
Types of incorporations Private Limited Company (Ltd) Public Limited Company (PLC) Partnership (LP) Sole Proprietorship (SP)

Why opening a company in Cyprus

Cyprus offers a conducive business environment with attractive fiscal options, making it an ideal choice for entrepreneurs looking to expand their operations. The favorable tax regime, including a low corporate tax rate of 12.5%, encourages business growth and investment. The strategic geographical location, well-developed infrastructure, and access to EU markets further enhance the appeal of Cyprus as a business destination.


The Advantages of Incorporating a Company in Cyprus

Tax Benefits

Cyprus offers various tax benefits for companies, including low corporate tax rates, double taxation agreements, and tax exemptions for specific types of income. These favorable tax policies provide businesses with opportunities for tax optimization and increased profitability.

Strategic Location

Located at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa, Cyprus enjoys a strategic location that enables businesses to access and expand into international markets with ease. Its proximity to major economic centers and efficient transportation infrastructure make it a gateway for trade and investment.

Skilled Workforce

Cyprus boasts a highly educated and skilled workforce proficient in multiple languages, including English. The availability of talented professionals across various industries facilitates business growth and innovation.

Business-friendly Environment

Cyprus offers a business-friendly environment with streamlined procedures for company incorporation, efficient legal framework, and investor-friendly policies. The government’s commitment to supporting entrepreneurship and foreign investment further enhances the ease of doing business in the country.


The Disadvantages of Incorporating a Company in Cyprus

Compliance Requirements

Businesses operating in Cyprus must adhere to various compliance requirements, including annual reporting, tax filings, and accounting obligations. Ensuring compliance with local regulations can be time-consuming and may require professional assistance.

Market Size

Although Cyprus offers excellent access to international markets, it has a relatively small domestic market. Businesses focused solely on the local market may face limited growth opportunities, and expanding into international markets becomes crucial for sustainable success.


The competitive business landscape in Cyprus requires businesses to differentiate themselves and develop unique value propositions to stand out among competitors. Market research and strategic planning are essential to thrive in this competitive environment.


Cyprus has a favorable tax system designed to attract businesses and investors. The corporate tax rate of 12.5% is one of the lowest in the European Union, providing businesses with a competitive advantage. Additionally, Cyprus has an extensive network of double taxation agreements, ensuring that businesses can avoid double taxation on income earned abroad. The country also offers various tax incentives, such as exemptions for dividends, interest, and royalties. However, businesses must comply with local tax regulations and ensure proper documentation and reporting to benefit from these advantages.

Company Types in Cyprus

Cyprus offers various types of company formations, each with its own characteristics and benefits. Here are the most common types of company incorporations in Cyprus:

1. Private Limited Liability Company (Ltd)

A Private Limited Liability Company, commonly known as Ltd, is the most popular type of company in Cyprus. It is suitable for small to medium-sized businesses and provides limited liability protection for its shareholders. The company’s shares are privately held and not traded on the stock exchange.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Private Limited Liability Company (Ltd) Varies depending on the legal services used € 1 35%
A Private Limited Liability Company in Cyprus can be incorporated with a minimum of [insert minimum share capital]. The cost of incorporation varies depending on various factors, such as legal and administrative fees.

2. Public Limited Company (PLC)

A Public Limited Company (PLC) is suitable for larger businesses that intend to raise capital through public offerings on the stock exchange. PLCs have more stringent regulatory requirements and are subject to additional compliance obligations compared to Ltd companies.


Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Public Limited Company (PLC) Varies depending on the legal services used 25000 35%
Setting up a Public Limited Company in Cyprus involves higher costs compared to a Ltd company due to additional legal and regulatory requirements. The minimum share capital required for a PLC is typically higher than that of a Ltd company.

3. Branch of a Foreign Company

A Branch of a Foreign Company allows an existing foreign entity to establish a presence in Cyprus. It is not considered a separate legal entity but an extension of the parent company. The branch operates under the regulations and laws of Cyprus and is required to register with the Cyprus Companies Registrar.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Branch of a Foreign Company Varies depending on the legal services used No minimum share capital requirement 35%
The cost of incorporating a Branch of a Foreign Company in Cyprus varies depending on the size and complexity of the parent company. It is essential to note that the branch is not considered a separate legal entity, and the parent company remains liable for its obligations.

4. Partnerships

Partnerships are suitable for businesses operated by two or more individuals or entities. There are two main types of partnerships in Cyprus:
  • General Partnership (GP): In a General Partnership, all partners have unlimited liability for the partnership’s obligations.
  • Limited Partnership (LP): In a Limited Partnership, there are general partners with unlimited liability and limited partners with liability limited to their investment in the partnership.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
General Partnership (GP) Varies depending on the legal services used Varies depending on the partners’ agreements 35%
Limited Partnership (LP) Varies depending on the legal services used Varies depending on the partners’ agreements 35%
The cost of incorporating a partnership in Cyprus may vary depending on various factors, such as legal and administrative fees. Partnerships do not require a minimum share capital, and the tax obligations are based on the partners’ personal tax liabilities. It is important to consult with legal professionals or business advisors to determine the most suitable type of company incorporation in Cyprus based on your specific business needs and objectives.

4. Sole Proprietorship (SP)

A Sole Proprietorship is the simplest form of business structure in Cyprus. It is suitable for individual entrepreneurs who want to operate their business as a single entity without partners or shareholders. The sole proprietor assumes full liability for the business’s obligations.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Sole Proprietorship Varies depending on the legal services used No minimum share capital requirement 35%
Setting up a Sole Proprietorship in Cyprus involves minimal costs compared to other types of company formations. However, it does not provide limited liability protection, and the sole proprietor’s personal assets are at risk. Sole Proprietorships offer advantages such as simplicity in business operations, complete control over decision-making, and direct ownership of profits. Each type of company incorporation in Cyprus has its own requirements, benefits, and considerations. It is advisable to consult with legal and business professionals to determine the most suitable option based on your specific business objectives and circumstances.

VAT in Cyprus

Cyprus implements a Value Added Tax (VAT) system, whereby businesses are required to charge VAT on taxable goods and services. The standard VAT rate in Cyprus is 19%. VAT registration is mandatory for businesses with taxable turnover exceeding a specified threshold. Proper compliance with VAT regulations, including accurate record-keeping and timely VAT returns filing, is essential to avoid penalties and maintain compliance with tax authorities.

Common Questions

How do I incorporate a company in Cyprus?

To incorporate a company in Cyprus, you need to follow several steps, including preparing the necessary documentation, obtaining a tax identification number, opening a bank account, and registering with the Companies Registrar. It is advisable to seek professional guidance from a legal or business expert to ensure a smooth incorporation process.

What are the benefits of Cyprus's tax regime for international businesses?

> Cyprus’s tax regime offers several advantages for international businesses, including low corporate tax rates, extensive double taxation agreements, and tax exemptions for specific types of income. These benefits enable businesses to optimize their tax planning and enjoy increased profitability.

Can a foreigner be a director in a Cyprus company?

Yes, a foreigner can be a director in a Cyprus company. Cyprus allows both local and foreign individuals to serve as directors, provided they meet the necessary legal requirements and fulfill their obligations under the Companies Law.

What are the reporting requirements for companies in Cyprus?

Companies in Cyprus are required to comply with various reporting obligations, including annual financial statements, filing of tax returns, and maintaining proper accounting records. Non-compliance with reporting requirements can result in penalties and legal consequences.

How does Cyprus facilitate access to EU markets?

Cyprus’s EU membership grants businesses incorporated in Cyprus access to the European Union’s single market. This provides opportunities for trade, investment, and access to a large consumer base. Cyprus’s strategic location at the crossroads of Europe, Asia, and Africa further enhances its connectivity to international markets.

Is Cyprus a good location for e-commerce businesses?

Absolutely! Cyprus offers a favorable environment for e-commerce businesses. Its EU membership, robust digital infrastructure, educated workforce, and strategic location make it an attractive destination for online businesses seeking to expand their operations and tap into the growing e-commerce market.

Are there any tax incentives for research and development (R&D) activities in Cyprus?

Yes, Cyprus provides tax incentives for research and development activities. Companies engaged in qualifying R&D activities can benefit from tax deductions and exemptions on R&D-related expenses. These incentives aim to encourage innovation, attract investment in research, and foster technological advancements.

What are the requirements for opening a bank account in Cyprus?

To open a bank account in Cyprus, you generally need to provide identification documents, proof of address, details about your business activities, and the purpose of the account. Additionally, the bank may require you to provide information about the source of funds and undergo a due diligence process.

Can I relocate my existing business to Cyprus?

Yes, Cyprus offers a favorable environment for business relocation. The country provides incentives for companies relocating their headquarters or operations to Cyprus, including favorable tax treatment for qualifying individuals and entities.

What are the available funding options for startups in Cyprus?

Startups in Cyprus can explore various funding options, including venture capital, angel investors, government grants, and EU funding programs. Cyprus actively supports entrepreneurship and innovation, offering opportunities for startups to secure funding and support for their growth.

How does the VAT system work in Cyprus?

Cyprus follows the standard VAT system, whereby businesses charge VAT on taxable goods and services provided to customers. Businesses registered for VAT can deduct the VAT they pay on their purchases and expenses. VAT returns must be filed periodically, and businesses are subject to VAT inspections by the tax authorities.

What are the social security obligations for companies in Cyprus?

Companies in Cyprus are required to make social security contributions on behalf of their employees. These contributions fund various social security benefits, including healthcare, pensions, and unemployment benefits. Compliance with social security obligations is essential to ensure proper employee welfare and avoid legal issues.

Are there any restrictions on foreign investment in Cyprus?

Cyprus maintains an open and liberal foreign investment policy, welcoming foreign investors across various sectors. However, some specific sectors, such as defense and national security, may have additional regulations and restrictions. It is advisable to consult with legal professionals or investment advisors when considering foreign investments in restricted sectors.

How can I benefit from Cyprus's double taxation agreements?

Cyprus has an extensive network of double taxation agreements (DTAs) with numerous countries. These agreements aim to eliminate or reduce double taxation on income earned by individuals and businesses operating in both Cyprus and the partner country. By leveraging these DTAs, individuals and businesses can avoid the burden of double taxation and optimize their tax planning.

Can I operate an offshore company in Cyprus?

Cyprus does not operate as a traditional offshore jurisdiction. However, it offers a favorable tax regime and numerous benefits for international businesses, making it an attractive location for companies seeking to optimize their tax position and expand their operations internationally.

How long does it take to incorporate a company in Cyprus?

The time required to incorporate a company in Cyprus can vary depending on various factors, including the complexity of the business structure, completeness of documentation, and the efficiency of the registration process. On average, the incorporation process can take between 7 to 15 business days.
Cyprus: company incorporation in a low taxation country

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