Globe Capitalist / Company formation / Barbados

Company formation

Discover the tax opportunities offered by Barbados, a paradise island in the Caribbean Sea that offers not only natural beauty but also a favourable environment for opening an international company.

Company incorporation in Barbados: types of companies, advantages, disadvantages and taxation
Aereal view of the coastline of the Barbados island
Country Barbados
Language English (100%)
Time in Barbados GMT-4
Population 287,025 (source: World Bank, 2021)
Currency Barbadian dollar (BBD)
Religion Christianity (95%), Other religions (5%)
Tax regime 12.5%
VAT VAT is not provided.
Overage salary $2,600 per month (source: Trading Economics, May 2023)
Types of incorporations Public Limited Company (PLC), Private Limited Company (Ltd), Limited Liability Company (LLC), International Business Company (IBC), General Partnership (GP), Limited Partnership (LP), Sole Proprietorship (SP)

Why opening a company in Barbados

Barbados offers a favorable business environment, making it an attractive choice for entrepreneurs seeking to establish a company. The country provides various fiscal options, particularly suited for those looking to optimize their tax planning strategies and benefit from tax incentives. Additionally, the stable economy, robust infrastructure, and skilled workforce make Barbados an ideal location for business growth and expansion.


Strategic Tax Regime

Barbados boasts a competitive tax regime with a corporate tax rate of 12.5%. The jurisdiction provides various tax incentives, including exemption from taxes on dividends, interest, and capital gains for qualifying entities. This favorable tax framework encourages investment and fosters a business-friendly environment.


Higher Operating Costs

While Barbados offers numerous benefits, businesses should consider the relatively higher operating costs compared to some other jurisdictions. Factors such as rental expenses, labor costs, and import duties can contribute to increased expenditure. Conducting thorough cost analysis is crucial for effective financial planning.


Barbados operates under a progressive tax system, with a corporate tax rate of 12.5% applied to taxable income. Additionally, businesses can take advantage of double taxation agreements signed with various countries to minimize tax liabilities. The government of Barbados aims to attract foreign investment through its tax policies, making it an advantageous jurisdiction for establishing an international business presence.

Company types in Barbados

Barbados offers a range of company types to suit various business needs. Each type of incorporation has its own advantages and requirements. Here are the different types of companies available in Barbados:

Public Limited Company (PLC)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Public Limited Company (PLC) ranging from BBD $1,500 to $5,000 BBD $50,000 from 1% on the first BBD $1 million to 5.5% on profits exceeding BBD $1 million
A Public Limited Company (PLC) in Barbados is a company with shares listed on the stock exchange and available to the public for trading. PLCs are suitable for businesses planning to raise capital through public offerings. They offer the advantage of easier access to capital and increased credibility for investors. However, the cost of incorporating a PLC and the minimum share capital requirements may be higher compared to other types of companies.

Private Limited Company (Ltd)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Private Limited Company (Ltd) BBD $500 – $2,500 BBD $1 from 1% on the first BBD $1 million to 5.5% on profits exceeding BBD $1 million
A Private Limited Company (Ltd) is the most common type of company in Barbados. It provides limited liability protection to its shareholders, ensuring their personal assets are separate from the company’s liabilities. Incorporating a private limited company offers flexibility and ease of operation, making it suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. The cost of incorporation and the minimum share capital requirements for a private limited company may vary based on the specific circumstances.

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Limited Liability Company (LLC) Variable No minimum share capital 17.5% tax on profits generated locally. Exemption from taxes on profits generated internationally
A Limited Liability Company (LLC) combines the benefits of both a corporation and a partnership. It offers limited liability protection to its members and allows for flexibility in terms of management and taxation. LLCs in Barbados are suitable for small businesses and professional services providers. The cost of incorporating an LLC and the minimum share capital requirements may vary based on the specific circumstances and the number of members involved.

International Business Company (IBC)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
International Business Company (IBC) variable No minimum share capital Exempt from taxes on profits generated internationally
An International Business Company (IBC) is a popular choice for businesses engaging in international trade and investment. IBCs enjoy tax advantages and flexibility in operations, making them attractive for companies conducting global business activities. The cost of incorporating an IBC and the minimum share capital requirements may vary based on the specific circumstances and the desired level of international presence.

General Partnership (GP)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
General Partnership (GP) BBD $50 to $250 no minimum share capital individually taxed on their share
A General Partnership (GP) is a business structure where two or more partners carry out business activities together. In a general partnership, each partner is personally liable for the partnership’s debts and obligations. The cost of forming a general partnership is generally lower compared to other types of companies, as there are no specific incorporation requirements or minimum share capital.

Limited Partnership (LP)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Limited Partnership (LP) BBD $50 to $250 no minimum share capital individually taxed on their share
A Limited Partnership (LP) consists of one or more general partners and one or more limited partners. General partners have unlimited liability, while limited partners have limited liability based on their investment in the partnership. Limited partnerships are commonly used for investment funds and real estate ventures. The cost of forming a limited partnership may vary based on the specific circumstances and the number of partners involved.

Sole Proprietorship (SP)

Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
Sole Proprietorship (SP) rom BBD $50 to $250 no minimum share capital individual tax rates
A Sole Proprietorship (SP) is the simplest form of business structure, where an individual operates a business as the sole owner. The owner has unlimited personal liability for the business’s debts and obligations. Forming a sole proprietorship is straightforward and typically involves minimal costs. However, it’s important to note that the business and the owner are legally considered the same entity.

VAT in Barbados

There is no value added tax (VAT) in Barbados. Commercial transactions are not subject to additional taxation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I open a company in Barbados?

In order to open a company in Barbados, certain steps must be followed, such as registering with the relevant local authorities and obtaining all necessary licences and authorisations.

What is the minimum capital requirement to open a company in Barbados?

. There is no minimum capital requirement to open a company in Barbados. However, it is advisable to have adequate financing to start and run the business.

What type of taxation applies to companies in Barbados?

Companies registered in Barbados are subject to a 17.5% tax on locally generated profits. However, tax concessions are available for profits generated abroad.

Can I benefit from tax concessions if I open a company in Barbados?

. Yes, companies registered in Barbados can benefit from tax concessions, such as exemption from tax on profits generated abroad.

How can I open a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Barbados?

To open an LLC in Barbados, you need to follow certain steps. Firstly, you should choose a unique name for your company and conduct a name search to ensure its availability. Then, you will need to prepare the necessary incorporation documents, such as the Articles of Incorporation and the operating agreement. These documents outline the structure, rights, and responsibilities of the members. After that, you can submit the documents to the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO) along with the required fees. It is recommended to consult with a legal professional to ensure compliance with all legal requirements.

How can I incorporate an International Business Company (IBC) in Barbados?

Incorporating an IBC in Barbados involves several steps. Firstly, you should choose a unique name for your company and conduct a name search to ensure its availability. Then, you will need to engage the services of a registered agent who will assist you in preparing the necessary incorporation documents, such as the Memorandum and Articles of Association. These documents outline the structure, purpose, and powers of the company. The registered agent will submit the documents to the Corporate Affairs and Intellectual Property Office (CAIPO) on your behalf. It is recommended to seek professional guidance to ensure compliance with all legal requirements and to benefit from the advantages of an IBC.

What are the benefits of incorporating an IBC in Barbados?

Incorporating an IBC in Barbados offers several benefits. Firstly, an IBC is exempt from taxes on profits generated internationally. This allows businesses to optimize their tax planning strategies and enhance their international competitiveness. Additionally, Barbados provides a stable and well-regulated business environment, ensuring investor confidence and asset protection. Furthermore, an IBC in Barbados can benefit from the country’s extensive network of double tax treaties, facilitating international trade and investment.

Can I use an IBC in Barbados for local business activities?

No, an IBC in Barbados is not allowed to conduct business activities within the country. Its operations are limited to international trade and investment activities outside of Barbados. If you intend to engage in local business activities, you may consider other types of company structures, such as an LLC or a domestic corporation. Please note that the process and requirements for incorporating an LLC or an IBC in Barbados may vary and it is recommended to seek professional advice and guidance to ensure compliance with the latest regulations and legal obligations.

What are the requirements for company registration in Barbados?

The requirements for company registration in Barbados vary depending on the type of company structure you choose. Generally, you will need to provide the following information and documents:
  • Company name and address
  • Details of directors, shareholders, and officers
  • Identification documents of directors and shareholders
  • Memorandum and Articles of Association or Partnership Agreement
  • Proof of payment of registration fees
Additionally, certain types of businesses may require specific licenses or permits to operate legally in Barbados. It is important to research and comply with any industry-specific regulations and licensing requirements applicable to your business.

What is the tax system like in Barbados?

Barbados has a progressive tax system that imposes taxes on individuals and businesses. The corporate tax rate in Barbados is 17.5% on profits generated locally. However, Barbados offers various tax incentives and exemptions to attract international businesses and promote economic growth. For example, companies that generate profits from international activities may be eligible for tax exemptions on those earnings. It is advisable to consult with a tax professional or accountant to understand the specific tax obligations and benefits related to your business activities in Barbados.

Are there any tax treaties in place to avoid double taxation?

Yes, Barbados has an extensive network of double tax treaties with numerous countries. These treaties aim to prevent double taxation and promote international trade and investment. The tax treaties typically define the rules for taxing income, dividends, interest, and royalties earned by residents of the treaty countries. They also provide mechanisms for resolving disputes and ensuring fair taxation between the treaty partners. If your business operates in multiple jurisdictions, it is essential to consider the provisions of the relevant tax treaties to optimize your tax planning and reduce the risk of double taxation.

What are the requirements for hiring employees in Barbados?

When hiring employees in Barbados, there are certain legal obligations and requirements that employers must fulfill. These include:
  • Registering as an employer with the National Insurance Department
  • Obtaining a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for the business
  • Complying with the Employment Rights Act and other labor laws
  • Providing written employment contracts to employees
  • Withholding and remitting payroll taxes, social security contributions, and other mandatory deductions
  • Ensuring workplace health and safety standards
It is crucial to stay updated with the latest labor regulations and seek professional advice to ensure compliance with employment laws in Barbados. Please note that the information provided above is for general guidance purposes only. It is advisable to consult with legal, tax, and business professionals for specific advice tailored to your individual circumstances and requirements.
Company incorporation in Barbados: types of companies, advantages, disadvantages and taxation

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