Globe Capitalist / Company formation / Ajman (United Arab Emirates)

Ajman (United Arab Emirates)
Company formation

Ajman, in the United Arab Emirates, is an ideal destination for entrepreneurs wishing to set up a company in a business-friendly environment. Ajman offers a number of tax advantages and a growing economy that attracts investors from all over the world. In this article, we will explore business opportunities, the tax system, and types of companies in Ajman.

Company formation in Ajman, United Arab Emirates: advantages and disadvantages
Ajman, the capital of the emirate, with its harbour

Why opening a company in Ajman

Ajman offers a business-friendly environment with numerous advantages for entrepreneurs. Its strategic location, connectivity, and economic stability make it an attractive choice for those seeking to establish a company in the UAE. The tax-free regime, simplified incorporation processes, and government support further enhance Ajman’s appeal. Whether you are a small business owner or a multinational corporation, Ajman provides the infrastructure and opportunities to thrive in a competitive market.


1. Strategic Location and Connectivity

Ajman’s proximity to major transportation hubs and its strategic location between Dubai and Sharjah make it an ideal base for regional and international business operations. The well-developed infrastructure and connectivity ensure seamless access to markets and customers.

2. Tax-Free Regime

Ajman’s tax regime is a significant advantage for businesses. With a 0% tax rate, companies can maximize profits and reinvest in their growth. The absence of corporate and personal income taxes creates a business-friendly environment and encourages entrepreneurship.

3. Simplified Incorporation Processes

Setting up a company in Ajman is streamlined and efficient. The government has implemented initiatives to simplify the incorporation processes, reducing bureaucratic hurdles and facilitating faster company formation. This allows entrepreneurs to establish their businesses swiftly and start operating without unnecessary delays.

4. Government Support and Incentives

The Ajman government actively supports businesses through various incentives, including access to funding, grants, and subsidized facilities. Additionally, Ajman offers free zones that provide additional benefits such as 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified regulations, making it an attractive option for international businesses.


1. Market Competition

Ajman’s competitive market landscape can pose challenges for businesses, especially in saturated sectors. Companies need to develop strong value propositions, innovative strategies, and differentiated offerings to stand out and capture market share.

2. Reliance on External Factors

Ajman’s economy is closely tied to global and regional economic conditions. Factors such as fluctuations in oil prices, geopolitical events, and economic downturns can impact business performance. It is crucial for entrepreneurs to adapt and diversify their operations to mitigate potential risks.

3. Cultural Considerations

Ajman’s cultural norms and traditions may require businesses to navigate certain sensitivities when it comes to marketing, advertising, and workplace practices. Understanding and respecting local customs is essential for building strong relationships with customers, employees, and partners.


Ajman’s tax system offers a distinct advantage to businesses. The city follows a tax-free regime, which means companies are exempt from corporate and personal income taxes. This favorable tax environment allows businesses to retain more profits and reinvest them in expansion, research and development, and other growth initiatives. Additionally, Ajman does not impose a value-added tax (VAT), further enhancing its appeal as a business destination. However, it is essential for businesses to comply with relevant tax regulations, maintain accurate financial records, and engage with professional tax advisors to ensure full adherence to the tax laws and requirements.

Company types in Ajman

Limited Liability Company (LLC)

A Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a popular choice for entrepreneurs looking to establish a presence in Ajman. It offers a flexible business structure with limited liability protection for its shareholders. In an LLC, the liability of each shareholder is limited to their share in the company’s capital. This type of company requires a minimum of two shareholders and allows for the appointment of managers to oversee daily operations. LLCs in Ajman benefit from the emirate’s favorable business environment and can engage in various commercial activities.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
LLC Varies based on the business activities AED 150,000 0%

Free Zone Company (FZC)

Establishing a Free Zone Company (FZC) in Ajman provides additional benefits for businesses. Free zones offer 100% foreign ownership, tax exemptions, and simplified regulations. FZCs are ideal for entrepreneurs seeking complete control over their business and prefer a tax-efficient environment. Ajman Free Zone, for example, offers a range of facilities, infrastructure, and support services to help businesses thrive. FZCs can operate in various sectors, including trade, logistics, manufacturing, and services, and benefit from Ajman’s strategic location and access to global markets.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
FZC Varies based on the chosen free zone and he business activities From AED 150,000 to AED 500,000 or more. 100% tax exemptions

Branch Office (BO)

Ajman allows the establishment of branch offices of foreign companies. Branch offices serve as an extension of the parent company and can engage in specific business activities within Ajman. This type of incorporation enables businesses to expand their operations in Ajman while retaining the legal and financial connection to the parent company. Branch offices can benefit from the parent company’s reputation, expertise, and resources, and leverage Ajman’s strategic location for market penetration in the UAE and the wider region.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
BO It depends on the nature of the parent company and the services provided by the subsidiary No specific minimum share capital Are based on the parent company’s jurisdiction and the applicable tax treaties.

Representative Office (RO)

A Representative Office (RO) enables foreign companies to establish a presence in Ajman for non-commercial activities such as market research, promotion, and liaison. ROs are not permitted to engage in direct business activities or generate revenue. This type of incorporation allows companies to assess the market potential, establish contacts, and build relationships in Ajman without undertaking full commercial operations. Representative Offices are subject to specific regulations and restrictions, and their activities must align with the purpose for which they are established.
Type Cost of Incorporation Minimum Share Capital Taxes
RO May vary depending on the specific requirements and services chosen. No minimum share capital Not subject to corporate income tax

VAT in Ajman

Ajman does not currently have a Value Added Tax (VAT) system in place. Businesses operating in Ajman are not required to charge or collect VAT on their products or services. However, it is essential to stay updated with any changes or future implementations of VAT regulations, as the UAE government may introduce VAT in the future.

Common questions

How do I incorporate a company in Ajman?

Incorporating a company in Ajman involves following specific procedures and fulfilling legal requirements. The process includes selecting the appropriate company type, preparing the necessary documentation, obtaining approvals, and registering with the relevant authorities. Engaging with a professional business consultancy or legal service provider can help navigate the incorporation process smoothly.

What are the requirements for setting up a Free Zone Company in Ajman?

Setting up a Free Zone Company in Ajman typically requires submitting the necessary documents, such as the application form, business plan, passport copies, and relevant certifications. Additional requirements may include fulfilling minimum share capital requirements, leasing an office space within the free zone, and obtaining the necessary approvals from the Ajman Free Zone Authority.

Are there any tax incentives for businesses in Ajman?

Ajman offers various tax incentives and benefits to attract businesses. The tax-free regime, exemptions on corporate and personal income taxes, and access to funding and grants are some of the incentives provided by the Ajman government. Additionally, free zones in Ajman offer additional advantages, including 100% foreign ownership and tax exemptions.

What are the advantages of establishing a branch office in Ajman?

Establishing a branch office in Ajman allows foreign companies to extend their presence and engage in specific business activities within the city. The advantages include leveraging the strategic location, benefiting from Ajman’s infrastructure and connectivity, and tapping into the growing market opportunities in the UAE. Branch offices can serve as a bridge between the parent company and the local market, facilitating business expansion and access to customers.

How does Ajman's tax-free regime benefit businesses?

Ajman’s tax-free regime is a significant advantage for businesses. By eliminating corporate and personal income taxes, companies can retain more profits and allocate them towards growth, innovation, and reinvestment. This favorable tax environment enhances business competitiveness, attracts foreign investment, and encourages entrepreneurial activity.

What are the legal obligations for businesses in Ajman?

Businesses in Ajman are required to comply with various legal obligations, including obtaining the necessary licenses and permits, maintaining accurate financial records, submitting annual financial statements, and adhering to labor and employment laws. It is essential for businesses to engage legal and accounting professionals to ensure full compliance with the legal and regulatory framework.

Are there restrictions on foreign ownership in Ajman?

Ajman offers favorable regulations for foreign ownership. Free zones in Ajman allow 100% foreign ownership, providing full control and flexibility to international investors. However, outside the free zones, the UAE Commercial Companies Law stipulates that a UAE national or a company wholly owned by UAE nationals must hold at least 51% of the shares in a company. Engaging with legal advisors can help navigate the ownership structure and ensure compliance with applicable regulations. h3>8. How can I open a bank account for my Ajman-based company? To open a bank account for your Ajman-based company, you will need to fulfill specific requirements set by the chosen bank. These requirements typically include providing the necessary company documents, proof of identity and address, and fulfilling any minimum deposit requirements. It is advisable to approach different banks, compare their services and offerings, and choose the one that best suits your business needs.

Is Ajman a suitable location for startups?

Ajman offers a supportive environment for startups. The tax-free regime, government incentives, access to funding and grants, and a growing ecosystem of entrepreneurs and business support organizations make it an attractive location for startups. However, startups should conduct thorough market research, develop a robust business plan, and assess the competition and target market dynamics before establishing their presence in Ajman.

What are the sectors with significant growth potential in Ajman?

Ajman has witnessed growth in various sectors, including manufacturing, logistics, trading, construction, tourism, and hospitality. The city’s strategic location, infrastructure development, and government initiatives have contributed to the growth and diversification of these sectors. It is advisable for entrepreneurs to analyze market trends, assess demand, and identify sectors with growth potential based on their business objectives and expertise.

What are the requirements for setting up a Limited Liability Company (LLC) in Ajman?

Setting up an LLC in Ajman requires a minimum of two shareholders, who can be individuals or corporate entities. The shareholders must contribute a minimum share capital of AED 150,000, although the specific capital requirement may vary depending on the nature of the business and licensing authorities. Additionally, an LLC must appoint a manager to oversee the daily operations of the company. The process involves registering the company with the Ajman Department of Economic Development (DED), obtaining the necessary licenses, and fulfilling any specific requirements for the chosen business activities.

What are the advantages of establishing a Free Zone Company (FZC) in Ajman?

Establishing an FZC in Ajman offers several advantages. Firstly, FZCs in Ajman enjoy 100% foreign ownership, allowing entrepreneurs to have full control over their business. Additionally, FZCs benefit from tax exemptions on corporate income tax, personal income tax, and customs duties. Ajman’s free zones provide state-of-the-art infrastructure, business support services, and access to global markets. FZCs can operate in various sectors, including trade, logistics, manufacturing, and services. Furthermore, establishing an FZC offers simplified regulations and streamlined processes, making it an attractive option for businesses seeking a favorable and efficient business environment.

Can a branch office in Ajman engage in activities different from its parent company?

No, a branch office in Ajman can only engage in activities that are within the scope of its parent company’s operations. The branch office serves as an extension of the parent company and operates under its legal and financial umbrella. Therefore, the activities of the branch office must align with the business activities of the parent company. Any new or additional business activities would typically require separate legal entities or the establishment of a new branch office with the relevant permissions and approvals.

What are the restrictions on Representative Offices (ROs) in Ajman?

Representative Offices in Ajman have specific restrictions and limitations. ROs are not permitted to engage in direct business activities or generate revenue. Their purpose is primarily non-commercial, focusing on market research, promotion, and liaison activities. ROs serve as a liaison between the parent company and potential clients or business partners in Ajman. While they can establish contacts and build relationships, ROs cannot enter into contractual agreements or conduct sales transactions. It’s important to note that ROs must comply with the regulations set forth by the Ajman government and ensure that their activities align with the permitted scope of operations.
Company formation in Ajman, United Arab Emirates: advantages and disadvantages

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