Globe Capitalist / Bank account / Singapore

bank account

Learn why Singapore is an attractive destination for financial services, the advantages and disadvantages, the types of accounts available and the robust banking industry.

Opening a bank account in Singapore offers a multitude of benefits and opportunities. As an established financial hub, Singapore provides a secure and efficient banking system that caters to both residents and non-residents. In this article, we will explore the process of opening a bank account in Singapore, the types of accounts available, and the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a bank in this dynamic city-state.
Remote opening Yes, it is possible to open a bank account in Singapore remotely.
Opening difficulty Opening a bank account in Singapore is generally considered simple.
Currency The currency used in Singapore is the Singapore Dollar (SGD).
Minimum deposit Minimum deposit needed to open a bank account in Singapore varies depending on the bank and type of account.
Non-residents accepted? Yes, it is possible for non-residents in Singapore to open a bank account.

Why choose a Bank in Singapore?

Singapore is renowned for its robust and reliable banking system, making it an attractive destination for individuals and businesses seeking financial services. The city-state’s stable economy, strong regulatory framework, and access to a wide range of investment opportunities are some of the compelling reasons to consider setting up a bank account in Singapore.


  • High level of financial security and stability.
  • Efficient online banking services for easy account management.
  • Access to a diverse array of financial products and services.
  • Opportunities for international banking and cross-border transactions.


  • Higher minimum deposit requirements for certain premium accounts.
  • Complex regulations and documentation for certain account types.
  • Limited availability of physical branches for some international banks.
  • Potential fees for specific transactions or services.

Types of bank accounts in Singapore

Personal bank account

A personal bank account in Singapore is designed for individual use and offers various services, including savings and current accounts, debit and credit cards, and access to online banking facilities.

Business bank account

A business bank account in Singapore caters to the financial needs of companies and provides services such as business savings accounts, business loans, and corporate credit cards. It is essential for businesses operating in Singapore to have a dedicated bank account for their financial transactions.

The banking sector in Singapore

The banking sector in Singapore is recognized for its high level of transparency, compliance with international standards, and attractiveness to investors. Compared to similar countries, Singapore stands out as a global financial center that offers a conducive environment for both individuals and businesses to thrive.

Commercial banks operating in Singapore

  • DBS Bank
  • United Overseas Bank (UOB)
  • Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation (OCBC)
  • Standard Chartered Bank
  • Citibank
  • Mizuho Bank
  • HSBC Bank
  • Maybank
  • RHB Bank
  • Bank of China
  • And many more…

How to open a bank account in Singapore


To open a bank account in Singapore, individuals must meet certain eligibility criteria, which include being at least 18 years old, providing valid identification, and fulfilling the specific requirements of the chosen bank.
  • Valid passport or Singaporean identity card.
  • Proof of residential address.
  • Work permit, employment pass, or student pass (for non-residents).

Required documents

  • Completed bank account application form.
  • Proof of employment or income statement.
  • Letter of reference from an existing bank (for some accounts).
  • Business registration documents (for business accounts).


  1. Choose a bank and account type that suits your needs.
  2. Gather the required documents as per the bank’s guidelines.
  3. Submit the application form and documents to the bank.
  4. Wait for the bank’s approval and account activation.
  5. Start using your new bank account for various financial transactions.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a non-resident open a bank account in Singapore?

Yes, non-residents can open a bank account in Singapore, making it an attractive option for individuals looking to manage their finances in the city-state. Singapore’s banking system is known for its inclusiveness, allowing non-residents to access various banking services. To open a bank account as a non-resident, you will need to fulfill specific requirements and provide necessary documentation. Non-residents must typically present their valid passport, proof of residential address, and relevant immigration passes or permits, such as work permits, employment passes, or student passes. Some banks may have additional requirements, so it is advisable to check with the chosen bank for their specific criteria. By opening a bank account in Singapore as a non-resident, you can benefit from a wide range of financial services, including international money transfers, multi-currency accounts, and the ability to conduct business transactions more efficiently.

How long does it take to register a bank account in Singapore?

The time required to register a bank account in Singapore can vary depending on several factors, such as the type of account, the chosen bank’s internal processes, and the completeness of the application. Generally, the process can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks. For standard personal savings or current accounts, the application process is usually straightforward and can be completed within a few days. Banks may provide an instant account opening service for certain account types, making the process more convenient and quicker. However, for more complex accounts or business accounts, the process may take longer due to additional verification and documentation requirements. Business accounts may involve a review of business registration documents and compliance checks, which can extend the processing time. To ensure a smooth and timely account registration process, it is essential to provide all the necessary documents and information accurately. Additionally, reaching out to the bank for guidance and following up on the application status can also expedite the process. Overall, Singapore’s efficient banking system and streamlined processes contribute to relatively quick account registration, allowing you to access the benefits of banking services promptly.

Are there any incentives or promotions for opening a new bank account in Singapore?

Yes, many banks in Singapore offer various incentives and promotions to attract new customers to open a bank account with them. These incentives may include:
  1. Waived or reduced account opening fees.
  2. Higher interest rates on savings accounts for an initial period.
  3. Cash rewards or vouchers upon successful account opening.
  4. Access to exclusive banking privileges and services.
  5. Fee waivers for certain transactions or services.
The specific incentives and promotions can vary from time to time and may be subject to terms and conditions set by the respective banks. To take advantage of these offers, it is recommended to check with different banks to see the current promotions available and choose the one that best suits your financial needs and preferences.

What are the different types of bank accounts available in Singapore?

Singapore offers a diverse range of bank accounts to cater to various financial needs. Some common types of bank accounts available in Singapore include:
  1. Savings accounts: Suitable for individuals looking to save and earn interest on their deposits.
  2. Current accounts: Ideal for day-to-day transactions and business-related activities.
  3. Fixed deposit accounts: Offer higher interest rates for a fixed term.
  4. Multi-currency accounts: Allow transactions in multiple currencies for those dealing with international businesses.
  5. Business accounts: Designed for companies to manage their finances and conduct business transactions.
  6. Joint accounts: Shared accounts between two or more individuals for collaborative financial management.
Each type of account comes with its unique features and benefits, so it is essential to assess your financial goals and needs to choose the most suitable account type.

Is online banking secure in Singapore?

Yes, online banking in Singapore is highly secure and well-regulated. Singapore’s banking sector adheres to strict cybersecurity standards and employs advanced encryption technologies to safeguard customer data and transactions. Additionally, the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) regulates and monitors banks to ensure they comply with robust cybersecurity guidelines. To enhance security, most banks offer two-factor authentication (2FA) for online transactions, where customers need to provide an additional verification code sent to their registered mobile devices. This adds an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access. Moreover, customers are encouraged to use secure internet connections, avoid accessing banking services through public Wi-Fi networks, and regularly update their devices and applications to minimize cybersecurity risks. Overall, the combination of robust regulations, sophisticated security measures, and customer awareness makes online banking in Singapore a safe and reliable option for managing finances.

Are foreign currencies readily available for exchange in Singapore?

Yes, Singapore is known for its vibrant foreign exchange market, and foreign currencies are readily available for exchange. The city-state hosts numerous money changers and authorized financial institutions that offer foreign exchange services. Visitors and residents in Singapore can easily exchange their home currencies to Singapore Dollars (SGD) or vice versa. Additionally, major currencies from around the world are widely accepted for exchange, making it convenient for travelers and businesses engaging in international transactions. Moreover, Singapore’s reputation as a global financial hub ensures competitive exchange rates and access to a diverse range of currencies. However, it is advisable to compare rates among different money changers and banks to get the best exchange rates and avoid unnecessary fees. Tourists visiting Singapore can also find currency exchange services at major airports, hotels, and popular tourist areas. Overall, the availability of foreign currencies and competitive exchange rates make Singapore a convenient destination for currency exchange.

Is it possible to open a bank account in Singapore without a fixed address?

In Singapore, having a local residential address is a common requirement when opening a bank account. This ensures that the bank can communicate with the account holder and verify their identity. However, some banks may offer alternative solutions for individuals who do not have a fixed address. For non-residents, such as expatriates or international students, providing a local address might be challenging. In such cases, some banks may accept a local workplace address or a temporary address, such as a hotel address, as a substitute. However, it is crucial to check with the specific bank’s policies and requirements beforehand. Some banks may also provide virtual or digital bank account options, which allow customers to open accounts without a physical branch visit or fixed address. These accounts are typically suitable for basic banking needs and may have certain limitations compared to traditional accounts. Individuals facing difficulties with meeting the address requirement should reach out to the chosen bank’s customer service or visit the bank’s website for clarification on their eligibility and available options.

Can I open a joint account with a Singaporean citizen?

Yes, it is possible for both residents and non-residents to open a joint bank account with a Singaporean citizen. A joint account allows two or more individuals to share ownership and manage the account collectively. To open a joint account, all account holders must visit the bank together and provide their identification documents. This typically includes the Singaporean citizen’s identification card and the identification documents of the non-Singaporean account holders, such as a valid passport and relevant immigration pass. Joint accounts are beneficial for family members, couples, or business partners who wish to pool their funds and jointly manage their finances. It enables easy access to shared funds, making it convenient for bill payments, expenses, and other joint financial activities. As with any banking arrangement, it is essential for all account holders to communicate openly and agree on how the account will be used and managed.

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